A downloadable game

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One of the oldest discovered games dating back to at least 2400 BC. The rules are simple. This is a game of strategy and chance.

You and your opponent have 7 stones you must get to the end of your specific path. The path in the middle is shared and therefore at war. The first person to get all their stones to the finish wins the game.  You roll 4 dice - each die has a chance of rolling a one or a zero. The total is the amount of spaces you can move a piece up to a maximum of 4.  You cannot land on a space that you already occupy. You may move existing pieces or bring new pieces onto the board on your turn as long as the move is valid. There are three special board pieces. All stone tiles earn you an extra turn. One will award you an extra turn AND protection from being jumped, this one is located near the middle of the board.

If you land on your opponent while they are not on the protected space, you will reset their piece back to the beginning. 

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